LADA Niva Legend входит в число самых легендарных автомобилей мира, вызывающих восхищение миллионов людей.
31900 Br
Granta Liftback
Народный автомобиль стал ярче и привлекательнее: новая Granta получила черты современной ДНК стиля LADA.
31400 Br
Новый Largus
Семейный, любимый, вместительный LADA Largus стал еще удобней. Теплее зимой, эффективней в городе, тише и комфортней на шоссе.
57300 Br
Vesta SW
LADA Vesta вместителен и удобен, при этом особое внимание уделено акустическому комфорту. Конструкция шасси объединяет плавность хода, проходимость и азартную управляемость.
Friendly staff, as in all similar places. Interested in sales. Everything was shown in detail, told, and consulted. What to expect from AvtoVAZ?I think it's very clear here. Cheap and angry, quite normal for your little money. However, ventilation must be considered in the cabin. Because being there for 10 minutes already makes my head hurt, the smell of leatherette and plastic is fascinating)) Ilya Kisel, consultant, well done
I would like to thank the staff of the Lada automobile center in Grodno for their always sensitive and friendly attitude to the client's problems (and I have been one for the fifth year). Of particular note is the high professionalism of the salon staff: the repair of my car was carried out efficiently and quickly. Special thanks to senior master Igor Dmitrievich Kulesh.
The car dealership is spacious, warm and clean inside - it's nice to be there. I would like to bow low to Manager Oksana for her patience in answering our many dilettante questions. My impressions are very positive.