The service is about nothing. The car lost xx, so these specialists started with candles. They checked the camshaft position sensor by resistance, it is visible with an oscilloscope and interaction with the crankshaft DP is not known. So they also stripped off at exorbitant prices, but the parts were not returned.
it was necessary to look at the braking system at 124m. I signed up, they called even earlier than the agreed deadline (I clearly needed something earlier), they did as they brought it very quickly too. The price is very pleasant. I recommend it, I think I will continue to contact here
I replaced the front suspension and brakes. He asked me to sort out the ignition. They did it perfectly. When performing the work, the cost of spare parts is agreed upon and promptly ordered. The price of the work is not inflated from the word "absolutely". Unlike other stations, they provide contacts of those who are engaged in work that they do not do. I am very pleased. I recommend.