I bought a shawarma about 10 minutes ago, picked it up and it fell apart, bit and then the smell of the mooted and the taste is disgusting!I went to the sellers, to which they replied, she does not trust!and that palamalast was as big as a toad, this shawarma was said to be such pita bread! Well, if this is a non-condition, you need to warn and sell cheaper! So maybe some rich person will buy it !And I don't want to eat waste!Here is a shawarma that is sold on ice in Slutsk! It's a pity that you can't convey the smell, but all because everything is done carelessly and no one controls it, but that's what's in the gazebo!
Round-the-clock roadside cafe, the choice in the menu is not great, alcohol at cosmic prices, complete anarchy, there is no security, because no one is responsible for your safety except you. You are welcome