I would like to express my special gratitude to this clinic, especially to doctor Tomchuk Dmitry, who really fought with dedication for half a night for Tantasha's life, carefully explained everything and went to the meeting.
I will never forget that kindness.
At least the cat wasn't in so much pain in the last few minutes, he looked more alive, and even at home he didn't refuse to eat, even with a syringe.
You really did everything you could, but the incompetence of other doctors, which brought him to such a state, is another matter.
The cat got better, he survived the night, but in the morning all the neighbors heard my tantrum.
Now he sleeps peacefully and it doesn't hurt anymore.
It has been observed in the vet clinic for many years. Many thanks to Dr. Maxim, this is the best veterinary doctor. Everything is tactful, polite. Even my Shepherd is given a good inspection, which is very pleasing. The doctor knows how to negotiate with them)) Thank you for your help.
Never contact the AZBUKAVET veterinary clinic in Grodno. They have a lot of equipment, but during the day of admission, none of the 4 doctors could determine what was wrong with my dog. The condition was initially severe, but a lot of time was lost and due to incorrect medical appointments, the condition of my beloved dog became critical. I can't describe all the pain I'm feeling. When I realized that my dog was only getting worse from the "treatment" of ABC doctors, I went to another clinic, where they diagnosed me in 10 minutes, 10 minutes!!! but she couldn't be saved. It was agony, her heart stopped 4 times, and she struggled during intensive care. My soul doesn't find a place for itself. I must write this comment and prevent the suffering of your dear pets.