The hospital is nice, but the patient registration part is terrible, he goes to the hospital by appointment, but the doctor can't be reached, we can't register, he has private health insurance, he didn't meet the tests he met, and they make a fee, they make a lot of people tired
In general, according to private hospitals, examination fees are actually good... It is easy to reach, there is a parking lot. Doctors in all branches are successful in their fields... We're not going anywhere else...
It is a very large and comprehensive hospital. However, it is crowded like a public hospital, which, I think, is due to the fact that its prices are quite affordable compared to a private hospital.
An example of the idea that physical size will be the most useful. A private hospital that can be reached from the parking lot to the doctor's room in at least 15 minutes. Getting enforcement from the parking lot is also a bonus.
Onam bilan borganmiz. Juda yaxshi joy. Ortoped yaxshi ekan. Dermotologlari bumaydi. Kasalligimizni topisholmadi. Doktorlar qabuli qimmat. 200$ har biri
It's a good hospital, but the entrance and exit are chaotic.
You go to the emergency room, go to the main building.
You go to the main building, your business is urgent, walk there.
They were making a European vaccine. Everything is perfectly arranged. Everything is clear and fast. The staff is very friendly. There are accompanying translators, but we managed on our own