Opening an account is no problem, but if you want to use your money, you may have problems. Knowing about the problems with transfers, she asked in advance if I could make a SWIFT transfer in euros. To which I received a reply that such a transfer is carried out from an account in euros to a European account. I performed a double conversion via SOM, after which it turned out that they could not make transfers in euros, while the date of the problem was not named. They offer to make a transfer in rubles or dirhams, the only question is where??? In general, we will have to fly and close all accounts.
I issued an Elcard and a non-resident Visa here. On the first day - the application, on the second both cards, the application and the accounts. It is very convenient to transfer from Russia to Elcard Online, and in the Bakai application - from Elcard to Visa. Abroad, even through Google Pay, everything works. The staff are efficient, polite and competent. Recommend.