This year, the children were in this camp. Of course, it wasn't much fun. They mostly had communication and passive rest. Their squad performed a couple of times. Instagram tik tok should be actively conducted. Every season and the squad would be fielded would be great. There is an ATO somewhere, and somewhere there is silence at all. But the food and accommodation were at the highest level. Therefore, 5 is an estimate.
I was stupidly sent home! The mistake may have been made by the administration of our school, which did not read the contraindications, and sent me to the camp. I have asthma, but to a mild extent, and by that time I was in remission. Having arrived there, having passed the commission, I was already sent to the room, but after a couple of minutes, all my cheerful mood was cut short, saying that I was going home. Of course, I had a tantrum, my escorts went several times and asked me to leave, so I didn't complain about my health, they didn't even listen. They just ended the dream of a child who wanted to visit the camp at least once in his life. It was last year in December.