A very good ENT doctor Ainur Narbekovna Zhumabayeva works in this medical center. She treats our whole family.Selects competent treatment, attentive, friendly. She is the best doctor for us.She's the only one we trust.Thank you very much for the help, effective, competent treatment.
The administrators are great and cool and positive girls. We went to the orthopedist with our little son, they accepted us quickly opened the card, the orthopedist is also good👍🎀💖
Baldyrgan children's polyclinic is equipped with the latest state-of-the-art technologies. There is also a pharmacy with wide-profile medicines and medical clothes, etc.
Very good medical staff. And especially the gynecologist Diana, I do not remember the last name, she also does ultrasound, she is a Pro in her field. Thank you very much to her. I advise everyone to visit