Managers do not know that when closing a credit card, extra money can simply be transferred or paid for the service. They forced me to stand in line at the cash register so that I could take the extra money from there. I asked the cashier why, he says "stupid"😅 well, really, why drive the customer back and forth? I have cashed out the money so far, this manager had another client. Nothing has been thought out at all, my turn has been defended for 40 minutes. Then she kicked off at the checkout, from there she stood for 15 minutes waiting for the customers to finish with her after me. A very poor bank in the quality of products and service in branches. I hope I won't be your client anymore
There are always huge queues at the checkout. Here are three sketches from my experience:
1. Arrived at 17:10, took a turn. The queue was almost up to 18 o'clock, the cash register was closed right in front of me.
2. I came on Friday evening. There were no cash dollars in the cash register.
3. Arrived at 17:15, got to the cashier at 17:50. The bank's database was not working, so I could not withdraw cash. It was the last day of the free withdrawal promotion, so the euros were stuck in the bank
I love this particular branch of the BCC. You can always park. The professional staff. But most of all, I would single out an employee - Aidan. A highly professional employee. When I contact this bank, I try to get to her. She is always correct, calm, and you can get all the necessary information. And simply, clever and beautiful!