A good bank branch where you can make transactions at the cash desk and get expert advice from specialists. A short waiting time. No queues. Pleasant atmosphere. I recommend you to visit.
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Наталья Фундамент
Level 2 Local Expert
December 26, 2024
We came to the bank to close the Turtle card permanently and receive a certificate confirming the closure of the card. We can't hear well, but we can talk. The employee asked me if I had any cash, replied that I could only pay for services through cards, because there was no cash. She started twisting her face (like she wasn't happy) and told us to pay through erip. So we started asking and clarifying how and what. We wanted to clarify so that we wouldn't make a mistake. She started being inappropriately unhappy, and we had some unpleasant conversations. There was no respect for people who couldn't hear well, she behaved like a collective farmer at a bazaar. When working with clients, you need to be polite and pleasant! But she…