I applied to this service station with a simple job - replacing the sensor, an hour after I picked up the car, the problem I applied for returned. Specialists of another service station found a sensor failure, the reason is incorrect installation. The question is, why take on a job if you are not able to do it efficiently!? Money was spent on the part, the work was paid, the result is "0".
At the appointed time, I arrived in some underground mountains.I barely found any pointers. It's good that at least someone came out and pointed to the end of the queue. He left without waiting.
I went to them to repair the support , the car stayed there for half a day . when I called with a question about the support , they said that they could not unscrew it and they needed to remove the support as a result , when I was in another place, they slightly knocked with a hammer and everything unscrewed and became.