Repair sevices:a/c recharging and repair, generator repairs, car alarm, car electrician repair, oil changes, computer car diagnostics, starter motor repairs, installation of parking sensors, auto repair, pre-trip inspection, repair of brake system, repair injectors, running gear repair, polish, engine repairs, exhaust system repair, gearbox repair
Payment method:QR code, cashless payment, payment by card, payment by credit card, contactless payment, cash, online
Promotions:gifts, promotions, bonuses, discounts, special offers
Excellent service, convenient location, competent specialists ,attentive attitude to customers, when defects are detected,fast delivery of the necessary spare parts,I have been using the service for more than one year, there are no complaints.
I gave away the f33 car (convertible) after the fire, the wiring was restored, the roof mechanisms and all damaged parts were replaced. They gave me a fully functional car