Every time, you stand in line for 30-50 minutes just to put money on the card. An electronic queue was set up, but no one thought of an information kiosk for replenishment. The point of this electronic queue is if there is often only one window that works with operations.
Always polite employees.They will help with advice and business.They know their job, if necessary, they will provide assistance when working with the terminal.There are usually not many people.They discuss it quickly.There is an ATM and a bus nearby.The work schedule is also fine.After work, it is quite realistic to pay for utilities, etc.
Great job.It's just a pity that only two windows are working.And in the evening, almost one thing.One is taking a break, the other is working.In the first one, they start working as if they were closing another window for a break.But people run to the bank after work!!!
Eternal queues one or two cash desks always work, and so slowly that it is easier to go to the other side of the city to do everything at the bank and return