Awful. Is it really impossible to answer customer questions in a clear, accessible language. Without flaunting terms and regulations. With any request to issue a card, open an account, make a transfer, etc. you have to pull out answers with ticks. To suggest how it is more convenient, cheaper or more profitable to get this or that service is not fate at all. I leave almost with tears and the feeling that you are an idiot. Today, when asked by a consultant how to transfer money to the Russian Federation, I received a bunch of terms and a story about restrictions, about cards, systems, etc. Just stupidly you can't get away from this bank working in the state budget, you have to.
In a word, in a neighboring bank, I was issued both an account and a virtual card and a transfer by Phone! without any swifts and worlds, in 20 minutes, friendly and comfortable.
BB is a terrible bank!
they refuse to deposit money, ask for proof of income, etc. for the first time)), especially for foreigners with a residence permit, it is stupid to ask for certificates that will be in a foreign language and in general that you need to leave to get