The bank? That's a cool thing to say! It would be more correct to say an application for an ATM that is located in the store. Exchange/ exchange of currencies and national banknotes + card transactions. And no payments!!!! A three for that alone. The service is good, There are no questions for operetors, they know their job!
We need to really think about people , not profit . Before giving a loan , consider the cost of living per person . And when calculating salaries , no one counts anything .
Previously, there was an ATM and an information kiosk with cash right next to the Belarusbank exchange office, and now the management of the Almi store forced the bank to take the ATM and information kiosk from the exchange office to the other end of the store, you have to queue twice.
I don't like the attitude towards the client. It seems that the cashier is being held there by force. I haven't changed the currency there for a long time, because I don't want to see dissatisfied mines.