25.10.2024 I bought an Asilak SL-84L cultivator, the seller tried to sell at first an obviously damaged cultivator without oil, they start it on their site more than once.I paid for the assembly of the cutters, they were not assembled correctly.Delivery after 19 hours was discussed, the seller arrived earlier, threw a tantrum, threw a cultivator near the fence and left.I do not recommend this office.
Not a bad hardware store. I won't say for the instrument, I didn't look, but for the household. the goods store is quite decent. The prices are like everyone else's, it is just located on the outskirts and there are not so many people, which is why the sellers are a little sluggish. It would be nice to expand the range of fasteners a little, then some of the demand from the closed stall on Alekseevsky would be blocked
I have written many times. The store is very good, the assortment and reasonable prices. (From the wishes) I would like to have dry mixes, but everything is fine.