A modest bank branch with an inconspicuous entrance. But there was not much time to look inside, as all the operations were carried out very quickly. A modern branch with an electronic queue, polite staff who know their business.
I bet the bank, not the branch, God, what a joker fairy card, so much has been written. And in fact, there are a lot of pitfalls, you change the category in the application, and then it turns out that it changes only after a day, and then you can't pay with this card at all on the 21st century website, and cashback only if you pay through the site. Etc. etc. there was also a category in the application that turned out to be there by accident, and for She didn't get anything, but I found out by accident
A small branch with 1 hall and a couple of ticket offices. At first, it is not entirely clear who to contact if there are questions, since there is no consultant in the department. But after a couple of steps, several employees are sitting in the hall, although they are not very friendly. But, if you give a question, they will answer
Many of my colleagues complained about the bank itself, but I was convinced myself. It was necessary to get a salary card, everything was as usual, the data was entered, and so on. A text message arrives that she is ready and can be picked up. So you come to the department to pick it up, you wait in line, 30-40 minutes pass, and now the queue has come, and they tell you that there was a malfunction and you can't get it, it's not here. At least they sent an SMS notification or somehow regulated this issue, but no. The staff who work in the department is quite responsive, there are no questions here.
In general, not a bad bank, polite staff, the best of all RB banks is Internet banking. But the currency exchange rate often would like to see a more democratic one.
I've been in a couple of times, the stink should not be promoted. They say the designers are to blame. And why would I want to know who's to blame. There is no service.