The store is necessary. There are discounts, bonuses, etc. Thanks to the sellers, they skillfully show the product, offer, direct, which makes it easier to choose. The assortment is huge, the store of Belarusian goods was and always will be out of competition.
A great store, one woman has been working there as a salesman for a very long time, meets her like family. Everything will help you choose according to age, skin type, the effects of any drug. When I arrive in Gomel, I will definitely come by.
A good store. I love the products of this company. Polite staff. Convenient location of products on the shelves, you can always find everything you are looking for.
A wonderful place, with a huge assortment of Belarusian cosmetics! Prices are affordable for any buyer, and products can compete with foreign brands. Whenever I'm around, I go in to buy something I need. The staff is polite, they will definitely advise you about new products and tell you what to buy. I buy Belarusian, save money and do not regret it. The product is of high quality!