Faqat 26, 27 va 28-fevralda 1+1 aksiyasini o‘tkazamiz — ikkita pitsa bittasi narxida va atigi 69 000 so‘mga! 🙃❤️ Ulgurib ...
February 26, 14:13
🧊Salqinlikda qolib, pitsadan bahra oling!
Yoz allaqachon qizgin pallada, Tarxun, Moxito va Mango-marakuya ta’mli salqin ichimliklarimizn...
July 10, 2024, 02:33
All news (5)
Updated: March 6
Донар пицца
Вкусная и сочная мясная пицца с кусочками донарного мяса и настоящей моцареллы
93000 сўм544 g
Пицца Мясной микс
Сочетание соусов пиццы, барбекю и бургера, донарное мясо, говядина и кебаб вместе с колбасками пепперони, приправленное настоящим сыром моцарелла, луком, корнишонами, болгарским перцем и помидорами
98000 сўм589 g
Пицца пепперони
Епперони, сыр Моцарелла и томатный соус
83000 сўм378 g
Пицца Пепперони
Пепперони, сыр Моцарелла и томатный соус
54000 сўм444 g
Беллисстер куриный
Сочная курочка в мягкой тортилье с настоящей моцареллой, помидорами и ранч соусом
We decided to visit the new branch with our CHILDREN for the first time. Outwardly, everything is fine. 1)I was upset that the playground was not working, although it seemed that everything was normal, they said that there were no protective pillows.
2) we wanted to order a children's pizza, Mr.pep, which is actively advertised in the posters of the branch, but we were told that we could not cook it because there is no necessary shape.
3) they announced that the order was ready, went down and waited at the checkout for several minutes while the order was being collected
4) the order was given without coffee and cheesecake, and only after I asked, is that all? When I heard the answer: "yes," I had to remind them about the coffee, which naturally began to be prepared after my reminder, and I had to wait a few minutes again.
The place is beautiful and cozy, it's cold outside, but it's warm here. But they should pay attention to the work of the employees.
Since the establishment is new and we like your products in principle, I'm removing only one star.
Order number 0005 dated 01/29/2025 18:00
P.S. I am glad that the pizza and sinnabons were served in reusable dishes. I would like to use less disposable tableware.