Belarusian basketball is at a modest level, but even so, it is possible to make everything bigger and more interesting. To get more interested in coaches, schools, and children.
Our Belarusian basketball is ranked 51st in the FIBA list. We lack a more advanced coaching school. Little attention is paid to the personal skills of basketball players. There are few games in general, both in the children's championships and in the main national championship. The same Minsk team (Cmoc) does not pull VTB and is usually in the last rows. I think the level of our basketball is the first/second Russian Super League. They are not exactly amateurs, but they are also not as PRO as other European or Russian teams.
The children's equipment is modest, you can count on sneakers or other small buns for your children only if your child has great success in the team.
We need to develop school basketball, conduct it in 4-5 rounds in 9 months, so that it looks like a DOUBLE. You can take an example from the Russian School basketball KES. Also, there is no championship good for the 17-24 year old stratum (universities and first league teams) The first league, by the way, was closed about 7 years ago.
I believe that it is necessary to create a smooth transition between children-young men-adult veterans. As well as smooth transitions between the BSE PRO leagues and NBL amateurs
10-16 years old - DUBL, SCHOOL LEAGUE
17-24 years old - First League, Universities, Farm Teams
17-40 years old - Major League
40+ Veterans
I like how the Veteran League and the NBL are developing
These are modest championships, but it seems the players are having fun in them.
I have a separate pain for the players who stop playing after injuries or a change of vector in life. A person can get away from serious training at both 16 and 40, and at each such stage, he must have a way, either to stay in the NBL (Amateur team) or to be offered something at the club. 99% of players do not find support from clubs and the Federation after the end of their career. It's sad.
In recent years, the media component has been tightened, which is encouraging.
We need to stop chasing VTB, and start with something simple and something that we can pull off.