это просто ужас , такого ужасного места я не встречала никогда, бнту один из ведущих универов, а такое ощущение будто дно, ректор не следит за обстоятельствами ситуации мне очень грустно что я выбрала это место моя самая худшая ошибка в жизни
The admissions committee has nice people, and the university staff very kindly indicates who to contact and where to go in case of difficulties, for which I thank them very much! Overall, I have a very pleasant impression of the university; of course, the view of the main building is also striking - it is very impressive and definitely beautiful.
In 2019, the influx of applicants was frenzied, despite the number of people, the commission was organized wonderfully, volunteers and teachers, all polite, everything is clear, well done!