The kiosk is quite old, it doesn't always take cards or not the first time, but it pulls cash well, so it's better to pay in cash, it only takes paper money! Quite slow, the main thing is not to rush and not to get ahead of events, but to read what is written on the screen.
Money arrives on the mobile in 20-30 seconds! To replenish mobile numbers, there are separate buttons on the first screen, which is very convenient so as not to rummage through the payment tree of the ERIP, the most advantageous difference from other ATMs and information kiosks, and unlike them, the card is requested at the very end of the payment process.
There is a search by the number of the ERIP payer.
Sometimes I notice how retired grannies quite famously stuff cash on their phones, and at this time their "stupid grandchildren" defend the queue for the Post Office))