Disgusting work of the service!!!
Constant queues, the specialist is alone on shift, went for two days to turn off the home phone number.
For 2 years, I paid for a subscriber connection, despite the fact that they did not use the phone, because they did not live and the phone was disconnected from the network altogether.
I came to hand over the equipment, which is outdated and no one needs ancient splitters, they forced me to buy back this junk, plus they counted for every day of an unused month, and the fact that for two years they paid money to no one knows who ...
judging by the reviews, Beltelecom's work remains much to be desired..
The location is convenient, in the city center. The staff is polite and friendly. The service is normal. The building is clean and tidy. There are queues, but not long ones.
I got a new modem router instead of a faulty one. I brought it home and found that it was full of cockroaches. What is this? Is there a cockroach on Beltelecom or was someone planted? People, keep the brand of your organization!
There are only two people working on Saturday, and because of this, you sit in line for more than an hour or even more. And when asked why it took so long, we were told that one person can be served for up to 39 minutes and sit and wait for your turn... And on weekdays, nothing really changes because there is an influx of people and only three people work....
The service is disgusting. Contracts are concluded unilaterally, only according to the client. At the same time, all previously connected services stop working as soon as the client gives an agreement on the conclusion of a new contract by phone.
I agree with the previous comments, Lyudmila Vladimirovna Sergienko does not perform her official duties in good faith. I'm not happy with the service. Without signing a two-year contract, all previously provided services were turned off for several days. Telephony services had to be reconnected, and I had to personally visit the service center.
Send your operators to advanced training courses.
The work of the service center should be convenient for individuals. Unfortunately, you don't have this.
I don't know how it used to be, but now everything has been done very conveniently. The queue for coupons is automatic. Although the staff remained the same, but the attitude towards people became pleasant. And they will prompt and help , plus attentive ones . There is water to drink, and to sit on the couch, and watch TV, and a children's table with coloring books. If there are kids, they turn on cartoons. Even with a dog, you can. Previously, if you had to go there, you really didn't want to. Now I'm happy to go there if necessary. The craftsmen there are pleasant. I explained everything and had a laugh (lifted the mood).
I don't know about the service, but the TV is simple ........ . I have a smart TV room, ano sometimes freezes, I didn't show it at all on New Year's Eve. I haven't called or gotten through for a long time. In the future, we will switch to another operator.
Terrible service, those specialists who come home, came in shoes, trampled on everything that was cut off, threw on the floor, made terrible noise, although I saw that the child was sleeping.
A terrible boorish attitude, the phone is a problem to turn off, they came to turn off the phone and pay off the debt, the money was withdrawn for the debt and for connecting the phone that needs to be turned off. Without a modem, the phone is not turned off
It is a very interesting organization, I have come across it many times. Not only that, all organizations with the prefix "bel" are just tin, so they also laid on the client in principle, applied to fix the modem - they did not help, they constantly have some excuses, they say it's his fault, but nothing is clear with the home phone at all, since it turns out I can't give it up And if I refuse, then I won't even have the Internet, a divorce for money
The central (and only) service center of RUE Beltelecom in Zhlobin. It is located at 76 Pervomaiskaya str., Zhlobin. It performs work on providing subscribers with Internet access services (byfly service) and interactive television (interactive ZALA, on-air ZALA and SmartZALA services). An electronic queue has been organized.
I didn't pay for the phone, they turned it off. I paid the debt, they didn't include it. I call the operator, tell him that I paid, and asked him to turn on the phone... - We need to come with a passport and write a statement, says the operator. I came and asked, is it convenient for you for a person to come personally, spend both his and your time? Do you know what they told me? It's inconvenient, but these are the rules.
What should I say? Beltelecom is Beltelecom. The actual monopolist of the provision of fixed-line communication services and high-speed wired Internet in Zhlobin. When connecting services, they give you a modem for free.
See original
Anonymous review
July 4, 2020
I have never seen a more terrible service. There are 10 operators, but everyone is doing their own thing. There is always a huge queue. It takes a very long time to serve.