The trading center "Berezki" in Svetlogorsk.This is the most favorite place of the residents of Svetlogorsk and Svetlogorsk district, judging by the number of buyers.There is everything or almost everything that can be purchased in the shopping facilities of this center.Young people and our pensioners hang out here all the time.
The only place where you can buy everything you need. The only thing missing is a playroom for children because when you want to go shopping, it would be better if you could leave the child somewhere for a while, some shops are useless or very expensive or there is no choice one of them can convert a nursery!
Fruits and vegetables are not the first freshness, as well as their choice. One day I went to get some vegetables and as a result, before I could really touch them, I came across a swarm of midges.
Meat included. You buy it seems to be fresh, but in the end you find at home that it already smells. This is a very upsetting fact, since the meat in this store is not so cheap to go again and buy a new one. The quality of service is also lame, sellers sit with faces as if they come to the mines and extract coal. In addition, they make an even more unhappy face when you don't have a penny. Well, I'm sorry that I don't carry a chest of coins with me! Sometimes you can find complete chaos on the shelves with drinks. Otherwise, everything is fine.