We only buy stew from the Berezovsky meat processing plant. We really love the Village, the tourist's breakfast.
Pure meat, veins are very rare, fat in moderation
We take it all the time
My sister from Russia is constantly ordering through marketplaces
I recommend it to everyone, I've tried other manufacturers, but this one definitely tastes the best! In the photo, a tourist's breakfast, a small fraction.
Not a factory, but a small one. Why deceive people and mislead them??In any case, I do not recommend the products of this plant. Pork fat canned food, 98, 78 consists of fat and lard and only the difference between meat and jelly.fu-fu
In this line, you are asked to write the pros and cons. Unfortunately, alas, I did not find any advantages.The disadvantages include: The description on the cans as well as their contents. I bought a canned "Pork fat" it says: The mass fraction of pork on the tab is 98.78%.That's A LIE. 15 maximum 20% pork and veins and the rest is fat with very poor quality. The smell contains notes of rotten meat and boiled bones. Please take action. I am extremely disappointed with BMCC products.