There are always incorrectly indicated price tags in this store, for example, the kozinaks were for 4900 dollars, and as a result, the receipt contained 5800 dollars. We asked the cashier why, and he argued that it was the right price)))and only then did he bother to walk to the counter. And when I saw that kozinak was really 4900sum, I said that the prices had increased. And this is not the first time, last time there was a discrepancy with the Yashkino chocolate bar with apples, 7500 soums were written on the counter, and 8500 soums were written on the receipt, when I asked again why such a discrepancy, they also told me that the price had increased (but the price tag was never corrected)
And so the prices are too high compared to other stores, and there is also such a story with the price tags (yes, it seems like the difference is 900 dollars, the amount is not large, but it's still unpleasant:(