The staff is rude, long queues, they also do not respect the queue, any of the staff can come up with their man and tell him without waiting in line, cashier number 6 and a cashier named Sabina, have no idea how they got there, the first is rude, the second as if just to come and kill their own and our time is present in this institution, employees used to be better, it's a pity that in the past tense......
Xammaga salom , kecha 05.12.20024 yil qandaydir ishim tushib kirib qoldim shu bankga , Samarqand sh satepo maskanida joylashgan filialida . Xush nima deyish mumkin tozalik a`lo , kirishda bank xodimasi kulib karshi oldi va elektron navbatga kuyib berdi uzimni ocheredimni kutib turdim lekin kassa xodimalari navbatni buzib tashashibti ,kassa atrofi bardak valyuta kurslari yangilanmagan bitta plastik kartaga pul kuyish uchun futbol tupi kib yuborisdi !!! Ikkinchi bu bankga kirmayman !!
Bank yaxshi men bir nechi marta bordim xodimlari ham xush momila tez tez mujozlarni ishini xal qilib berishadi juda ham zo'r hammalariga omad tilayman👍
Terrible bank, terrible service, the worst bank in Samarkand, Sar-teppo array.With each visit, you lose at least 2-3 hours of time.After the visit, a bad mood for the whole day is provided.
Very rude staff, there is no high-quality work on the part of the cashiers, the Uz card does not work for them all the time and is sent from one window to another, if you offer any kind of a favor. They answer if we are not working well , then why come .
A couple of times we went to withdraw money all the time, their staff does not have time if there are five cash desks, then it works, so you sit and get nervous when the queue reaches you
Most cashiers serve almost all customers, while a whole room of operators sits and spits at the ceiling. The boss probably doesn't care about the customers.
Clean and tidy. But a lot of time is spent on customer service (filling out an application, etc.), although the age of information technology!
Now you can enter all the data into the system at once, it is enough for the client to come with a passport.
There is no information about the work of the bank on the website!