Today, October 16, 2024, boorish nurses refused to take blood from the point of testing!I'm pregnant and have a cold, I was getting to the hospital for a long time, hungry, I went in at 10.01 a minute later than their OBED or whatever they ran into me like I ruined their life, they pushed me out continuing to yell!I didn't know for a minute, they told me that you can take the test before 13! I didn't even really have time to say anything!
Nothing will change in your life until you start treating people like human beings!
I didn't like this place. Neither the doctors, nor the quality of their work.
After visiting this clinic, I had to go for a fee, since the endless visit to the gynecologist was absolutely meaningless, it did not give results.
I won't say that all doctors are like that, but highly qualified ones can be counted on the fingers of your hands
In February, my grandmother Gorchanina Elizaveta Semyonovna began treatment in the surgical department. I would like to express my gratitude for the professionalism, sensitivity and caring attitude of the attending physician Rudko S.S., surgeons Razvedovsky V. K., Markovich N.S., nurses of the surgical department.