The staff is friendly and helpful! The atmosphere is very pleasant and cozy, as if at home. The order is accepted and arrives quickly. There are many different options for each of the clients. I recommend you to visit
The chic Bon Cafe!
The cafe in Andijan is a real discovery for all connoisseurs of comfort and delicious food. From the first step you take inside, you are greeted by a warm atmosphere and friendly staff.
The service is top–notch - every time I come here, I feel at home. The staff is always attentive and friendly, which makes your stay here especially pleasant. Special attention should be paid to their speed of service – orders are always fulfilled at lightning speed, regardless of the workload of the cafe.
I would especially like to mention their specialties. Pancakes and coffee are a real gastronomic masterpiece. The game "Who am I?" adds a special charm to our visits and makes them unforgettable.
The managers and all the staff work harmoniously and professionally, which ensures a high level of service. Their politeness and attention to detail are captivating, creating a feeling of comfort and care.
Bon Cafe is a place where you want to come back again and again. It is an ideal place to relax after fitness, where you can enjoy fresh carrot juice and recharge your batteries for the whole day. The atmosphere, music, fast and high–quality service - all this makes this place unique.
If you are looking for a cozy cafe with excellent cuisine and excellent service, then Bonn in Andijan is your ideal choice. I recommend it from the bottom of my heart!
Good evening! Bon came to Andijan, everything is fine, the guys are arrogant, full of envy, he wanted to thank the saleswoman Nilufar. thank you so much that we have such a vision in Andijan. respect
Today I ordered a Pesto salad and a pancake with chicken. The pancake was very, very tasty, I will order it again, but the salad was very disappointing. It was put less than usual, lime lay instead of lemon, cherry tomatoes were slightly spoiled (too soft) and the main thing was that the taste of the salad itself was not very good. I worked in Bon myself and I know what this salad should be like. Otherwise, everything is fine, the staff is very pleasant, and the manager is a great fellow!
**Bon Restoraniga Murojaat:**
Bon faoliyatidan mamnunman va xizmatlar darajasi juda ham a'lo. Ammo ba'zi mehmonlar omma oldida ko‘p shovqin qilishgani sababli, shikoyat qilgan edim. Bu muammo tezda bartaraf etildi, buning uchun rahmat. Shuningdek, ish boshqaruvchilari ustidan nojo‘ya shikoyat qilinganligini ham eslatib o‘tmoqchiman.
Hurmat bilan,
Murod Abdullayev,
Bon restoranining doimiy mijozi
8:35 da ertalab nonushta qilgani keldik afsuski xodimi bizga olib ketishga bor deyildi. Lekin o’zi ish soati 8 dan deb yozilgan. Iltimos, vaqtida ochilinglar, aynan nonushta uchun uzoqdan kelgan edik yoki ish vaqtlarini o’zgartirib qo’yinglar.