Hello, I recently had a chance to lie in the State Security Committee, and naturally use the services of the Borovichok trade pavilion. The pavilion is located near the clinic's checkpoint, which turns out to be outside the hospital. The sellers are friendly, the store has a set of various products, and meat, sausages, dairy products, drinks, juices, fresh pastries, and the most necessary consumer goods, soap, lotions, deodorants, boilers for a mug of boiling water for tea, threads, needles, scissors, etc., i.e. everything that a person needs it may be useful in hospital conditions, also for the reason that when going to the hospital, a person forgot to take something with him from the necessary things, if he is also a nonresident! One thing only confused me, the assortment of wine and vodka products, ranging from beer, ending with cognacs and vodka. This is really superfluous within the walls of the clinic, it can be said to be a great temptation for the clinic's patients, because people all come to the State Security Committee, and someone has problems with alcohol, but here there is just a choice. I understand that everything is at the official level with documents for the sale of alcohol, but still it was possible not to sell it near the clinic, I repeat, this is purely my personal opinion, but there is a choice, if there was money in my pocket! Therefore, the choice of everything that the outlet offers is on the conscience of everyone who has been admitted to the clinic, especially the choice and purchase of alcohol! I recommend visiting the store, you will not leave without buying some of the products or things!