The organization is not bad, those who know the essence of the work understand that this is hard work, which, unfortunately, many underestimate. The deadlines for completing the work are short, the legislation is more to blame for this than the engineer, but many do not understand this. Specialists in this field of activity study in detail every problem with the sites and try to solve any problem in a short time (which does not always depend on the specialist himself), find a compromise, and finally satisfy the customer. But there are situations where even specialists are powerless and the issue needs to be resolved directly with the executive committees. Therefore, there is always a lot of negativity towards this enterprise. People, be kinder and be understanding when deadlines are delayed, because specialists always make concessions to you and try to help you solve the problem (even if it is not within their competence). And do not think that everything you paid for the work goes into the pocket of a specialist, almost all your money goes to the enterprise. And the specialist has only a small percentage.