Все понимают, что английский язык необходимо знать любому человеку, который хочет сделать успешную карьеру. Но когда же нужно начинать учить язык? Как можно раньше! Выучить английский на уровне, близком к носителю языка, можно лишь в том случае, е...
My daughter has been going to a British school for years, her impressions are only positive. The child always comes in a good mood, repeats the teacher's remarks in English, sings songs, even rhymes in English. Pronunciation has become much better, intonation when reading- it is clear that he understands what he is reading about. Spoken language has improved. What I like about this school is that they hand out written papers for half a year, and send a video of the child's performance to the group. I can see the result of speaking on the video. The child has become more liberated, is not afraid to speak. I see the result. Thanks to the teachers for their high-quality work and individual approach to each student.