Almost everything is delicious, clean, air conditioning, good service. You can take it out and eat inside... Of all the cookeries, it is probably the most optimal in terms of price / quality
It's a lovely place. They call food "homemade", but not every housewife can cook so delicious. The prices are very affordable. Suitable for daily meals. I take it out regularly and the problem with cooking is solved for a few days. I see one drawback: after 20 hours, the assortment drops sharply. Come earlier so that you have plenty to choose from. And yes, if you need a pastry, then this is not the place. Of course, there is one, but purely so that it is. Because I still see the motto of this institution: "tasty and satisfying." Enjoy your meal.
Заведение "Буфет" , раположенот в нескольких точках г. Астаны . Адреса я не все знаю , но на левом берегу ...очень вкусные пирожки -самса , с картофелем и мясом . я их беру в дорогу, когда приезжаю в город . . мне нравится как готовит повар Людмила Флерко . ну очень вкусно , я ее прям благодарила за чуткое отношение к покупателям и за то , как она вкусно готовит . спасибо .