Прекрасный сквер напротив железнодорожного вокзала Маргилана! Одно из самых приятных мест городка.
Сквер ухоженный, в мае везде цвели розы, есть скамейки. К сожалению, пока почти нет больших деревьев, дающих тень - с годами, наверное, это исправится.
С одной стороны от парка (дальней от вокзала) декхане продают овощи и фрукты (но это не стационарные точки!), с другой стороны - очень демократичное, пусть и не слишком роскошное, заведение под навесом с шашлыками от 5 000 (!) сум и бочка с квасом.
This is the place where my childhood passed in this place until 2000, the family lived for 29 years, maybe plus or minus 2, there was a base warehouse of corporators earlier, maybe there was a convoy, I remember as a child they said that they would demolish these buildings to build an autovoxal here, since there is a railway voxal nearby, as if it would fix the infrostructure of the city after they decided to build a square, too, there is nothing to look at merges with a lot of new buildings, and even if anyone remembers in the corner who remembers there was a flight cinema Locomotive teahouse two floors with a large courtyard here and construction materials were broken cement kerpich well, the product boutiques were found
A very beautiful square.You can have a nice rest.It's always clean.You'll sit and hear the birds singing, it's so nice.The building will rise immediately.There is so much beauty around👍👍👍👍👍