a shameless entrepreneur sells 1 basket of bread for 500 pounds, I'm not saying I wrote it at first, he writes the price for 4 people or 2 servings there, it almost comes to the price of fish. what a fraud.
бессовестный предприниматель 1 корзину хлеба продает по 500 лир, не говорю написал в начале одну, когда цена там указана на 4 человека или 2 порции, почти как стоимость рыб. что за афера.
You can go in the evening and watch the sunset while sipping your raki at your seaside table. The view is beautiful, the fish and appetizers are fresh. There are not many fish in the kalkan vb style, but it can be preferred for daily sea fish.
Looking at the prices and all these ways, if the service speed is low, the interest remains weak, and the tables get closer to each other when they leave, and despite the hungry weather, the pressure of the person gets worse from the sound …