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February 22, 17:33
Детейлинг, Ручная мойка, Автополировка кузова и фар, Химчистка салона, Реставрация салона, Оклейка кузова и фар 🧽🏎️
January 21, 11:11
All news (8)
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Полировка одного элемента
Стоимость от 50 руб.
50 Br1 pcs.
Комплексная химчистка салона
Стоимость от 400 руб.
Данная услуга включает в себя полную очистку салона и багажного отсека с применением специальных очистителей, а также специальными средствами с такими, как например моющий пылесос, парогенератор и т.д, а также выполняется суш...
400 Br1 pcs.
Комплекс «Protector GRAND»
Стоимость от 100 руб.
Трёхфазная мойка автомобиля.
Покрытие Shield & Gloss Wax – воск премиум-класса длительного действия.
Комплексная уборка салона.
Чернение резины.
100 Br1 pcs.
Предпродажная подготовка
1 Br1 pcs.
Растонировка стекол, сушка салона, мойка арок и другие
My Changan UNI K. was washed very efficiently. Firstly, the guys have special chemicals for washing cars covered with polyurethane, and this is extremely important to improve the properties of the film (hydrophobic) and the preservation of the film. Secondly, they have a very good antidote, it really works better than what I applied on my own (maybe I didn't apply it as carefully and correctly as I should). And the third thing is that they speak in Belarusian politely, kindly, and answer questions with attention to detail. Without a drop of arrogance, very helpful and courteous guys. The administrator Vladimir is generally an awesome person, very attentive to customers and very nimble. In general, I am very satisfied with the service and the sink itself. Our Moscow did not even dream of such a level of work quality. Thank you very much
The administrator is client-oriented. Sells well)
The complex costs 140 rubles. Washed, vacuumed, and ragged. It is closed at 3 c +.
Guys, there's not enough attention to detail. I won't describe everything, just a few points:
The train. The charging port wasn't even opened, I wiped it with my own rag on
the spot. The driver's footstool is sand at the pedals, the footrest was probably wiped off with a dry cloth.
I'm not talking about carpets, I didn't order dry cleaning. But I think it was possible to vacuum and wipe with a wet cloth.
In general, dusty areas are noticeable in the cabin (not in hard-to-reach places).
In the last photos, I show the bottom of the torpedo after washing and after I spit and wiped it. Something like that.
The central tunnel was not even vacuumed, citing the fact that personal belongings were there. Although personal items were taken out of the trunk. I asked for a vacuum cleaner, and it was eliminated.
Excellent detaling car wash with excellent service and friendly staff, always listen to the wishes and often make pleasant bonuses, I recommend it boldly!!!!!