Quite a good car wash, there is no queue, you can always stop by and quickly refresh your car. The water pressure is good, when replenished by 4p. another 1 p. is added as a gift, a trifle, but it's nice
Excellent washing, several modes of operation of the station, you can wash the car with wax for protection. There is a vacuum cleaner nearby to put things in order inside the car.
A good car wash. Convenient location, quite practical...Almost everything always works, changing money on the spot...The prices would like to be slightly lower...
Excellent car wash, as well as all car wash Supervision.
It is on this one that it is good to wash the car when a lot of cars are washed on Friendship. Since there is less flow here.
The self-service car wash is not bad, but contactless can be called a stretch, because it does not completely wash the car. There is a small plaque that needs a brush or sponge to wash off.