The bakery is located on the ground floor of the Nomad residential complex parking lot. A spiral staircase from the bakery leads up to a small hall where you can have a snack. They bake delicious bread and pastries there. Although I live next to the bakery, I try not to go there. The saleswoman in this bakery is an elderly, plump, small woman - very unfriendly, arrogant. With all his appearance and behavior, he tries to demonstrate disregard for visitors. He hardly answers the questions and requests of customers. I think if a more friendly person had been hired in her place, then the revenue of this bakery would have increased, if not by orders of magnitude, then at times - that's for sure. After all, in order for visitors not to turn around, leaving home, it's enough just not to radiate their negativity at them. And these customers' money will flow into the bakery.