Очень жарко в зале, дышать нечем, особенно вечером как в парилке 🥵
В раздевалках и душевых очень грязно, никогда нет мыла чтобы помыть руки
Очень много людей в зале, на тренажеры очередь
Очень пожалела что взяла абонемент, ужасный зал
The hall is very hot, especially in the evening you can not breathe as in the bath 🥵
The changing rooms and showers are very dirty, there is not even hand soap in the toilet
There are a lot of people in the gym, all the machines are busy and you have to wait
I really regret taking the membership, it's a terrible gym
I want to warn the clients of this club that things should not be left in their lockers without reserving a locker!!!! Otherwise, your stuff will just disappear! And the more expensive the item is , the faster it will disappear from the storage area of the seized items from the lockers . And therefore, my son 's ADIDAS sneakers are missing, and I have a NIKE bag with all the contents . As the administrator says , they are then thrown out 😂 well , of course , the technical staff threw out the crosses for 6000 lire , and new ones !!! Well , the new bag was thrown out too , We were not personally warned about the reservation of the locker !!! And of course there is no refund!
The Worst Gym in Antalya
Employees have sex in the toilets.
The blow dryer exploded in my hand, I was electrocuted
I wanted a new device, they didn't give
There is child feces in the pool and it is usually dirty
There is a smell of urine in the bathrooms, the toilets are very dirty
When I express my complaints, they block my comments, don't throw your money in the trash, they don't listen to complaints when you get the money in advance. They blocked me from Instagram mediocre never throw your money in the trash