Ароматный куриный бульон, в который добавлены нежные кусочки курицы. Свежая зелень придаёт насыщенный вкус и аппетитный аромат
12.5 Br400 g
Суп Харчо
Насыщенный острый суп из телятины, риса, чеснока, репчатого лука, ароматных восточных специй и кинзы, подается с хрустящими белыми гренками
16.5 Br350 g
Хинкали с бараниной большая порция
Блюдо состоит из баранины, тушёной со специями. Подают её с мягким тестом, которое идеально дополняет мясо
15 Br400 g
Хинкали с говядиной большая порция
Сочетание нежности отварной говядины и тонкого вкуса теста, которое идеально дополняет мясо. Пряные специи подчёркивают аромат говядины, добавляя ему пикантности
14 Br400 g
Хинкали с говядиной и грибами большая порция
Нежность теста и сочность говядины, тушёной со специями и грибами. Аппетитный аромат и насыщенный вкус не оставят вас равнодушными
14 Br400 g
Плов с курицей
Насыщенный вкус курицы и пряность восточных специй. Рис лазер и жёлтая морковь придают ему особую нежность. Пряный аромат барбариса и зиры, а также пикантная острота перца чили и чеснока создают неповторимую гамму вкусов
15.5 Br300 g
Хачапури по-аджарски
Горячая выпечка из смеси сыров. Подается с яйцом и сливочным маслом
20 Br420 g
Чебурек с курицей
Хрустящая корочка из муки и соли, сочное куриное мясо с насыщенным вкусом и пикантные специи
Samsa HAS LONG HAIR!Whose comrades? It's a fucking horror movie. at this point, we will say goodbye to this institution. There were orders and breaks over the years, after pies with eggshells, for example, there was the legendary eternally dissatisfied cashier - as she left, they returned, but not for long, unfortunately, one issue was resolved, but shoals in new places. Then we returned - the pilaf seemed decent, but not stable. And lentil soup should be completely removed from the menu, I cook soups from lentils myself, this is not soup, but a liquid, half-baked, fresh substance with an unpleasant smell, for some reason a taste of milk and empty, nothing is added-ground lentils in water (the lunch set did not go in-everything is not very good, compote is more or less. Shish tauk is unsalted, underdone, tasteless, the sauce is only cool and the potatoes are normal. Khinkali are strange in spices. The shawarma didn't come in. The same dishes may or may not be delicious, and the ingredients may or may not be present. Hairy samsa is too much of course. Ugh.
It's a good place, the prices are reasonable, the assortment is excellent. We ordered khinkali with beef and khinkali with chicken. The order was prepared quickly, a fork and napkins were added to it. The only drawback is that khinkali needs to be eaten with your hands, and wet wipes were not put. Overall, the impression is positive.
Two portions of khinkali waited 45 minutes! The order arrives faster in the restaurant. Before that, my husband came up twice, twice they said five more minutes and he would be ready, then I came up, went to clarify how long the order would be ready, they said after seven minutes, they began to show that they had a lot of orders, but I, as a customer, didn't care much, the staff at the checkout couldn't warn that the waiting time is long, the service could at least apologize, the order could not be canceled, and there is no book of complaints and suggestions either. Okay, my husband also had indigestion after these khinkali. In general, we will not order anything else there.