I don 't recommend it . They brought it and quickly left . I felt an unpleasant smell at home . I spread it out, there was a feeling that it was wet. I decided to vacuum a little. The whole cup in the vacuum cleaner was clogged with dust and dirt.
When I rolled the carpet back up, there was sand under it. They called them, no one picked them up for a long time. Somehow they got through and explained the situation, they said they would call back. The next day, no one called back, we had to call ourselves. When they got through, they began to deny that they had done everything well, washed and cleaned. They added that it was because he was old. They also added that if something does not suit, we can pick it up and clean it again. Seriously!!!!! Dude, that's not how things are done. Where are the guarantees that you will take and do everything in good faith and efficiently, if you did not do it for the first time. In general, the photo was attached, it's up to you.
They ruined a new coat. Some time after the dry cleaning, white spots appeared on the coat stored in the closet in the summer, which had not been there at all before cleaning. I was told that the warranty period for filing claims is 5 days.
Don't give anything to the Seagull that you don't mind throwing away! Or be prepared for any surprises.
Не знаю как на счет химчистки, но как арендодатель ОАО "Чайка" просто ужасен. Дополнительные поборы с арендаторов непонятно за что, кабальный договор аренды, где арендатор платит за всё, даже за ремонт крыши и клумб рядом.
А вот ОАО Чайка не несет ответственность ни за что, обязанность одна - контролировать, чтобы вовремя платили и придумывать как еще денег содрать.
Никак самостоятельно не улучшает и не ремонтирует сдаваемое в аренду здание и любой ремонт (дыры, протечки крыши, пожарная система и т.д.) выставляет как текущий и арендаторы будьте добры платите.
Сто раз подумайте прежде чем арендовать у них помещение.
Очень внимательный персонал. Качество чистки ковровых изделий лучшее в городе. Да еще и сами могут забрать в чистку ваши ковры. Сдавала частной компании ковры, сразу почувствовала разницу в качестве работы. Я теперь только с Чайкой. Успехов этому трудолюбивому предприятию.
Show business's response
Forever Y.
Level 5 Local Expert
October 12
This is probably the only dry cleaning service in Grodno with so many services.