There are 2 airports in this huge city for us.One is almost pre-war-Shuangliu, which could no longer cope with passenger traffic, of course it is close to the city.And Tianfu is brand new, modern, but far away.Everything is for the passenger.You feel unique.There are no crowds, crowds of people, a lot of places to lie down and sit.Charging sockets, travelators everywhere, small carts for things, coolers with hot and cold water.I was afraid it would be cold, but the temperature was comfortable.The transfer is absolutely no problem.Everything is clear.This airport is just a smoker's paradise.))I wandered into a green area with flowers, greenery, trees, sculptures-I thought a garden for walking.But no, there was a smoking area))I haven't seen such attention to smokers for a long time.Without unnecessary frills, but a very correct airport.
Chengdu is a major metropolis in China, which is the capital of Sichuan Province. The airport itself is pleasant, but the staff is very slow. We made a transfer there, which lasted 17 hours, and during that time we realized that its first purpose was to be the birthplace and capital of pandas. Everything is dedicated to Pandas here, and a little more.
We even managed to visit the reserve of their black and white majesty. The reserve was large, well-organized and popular, and there were as many people as there were Chinese in China. There were pandas too, and they even gave themselves a look. Now we know how the panda eats, the panda lies down, the panda walks and the panda poops.
Long-term docking turns out to be a great thing! You have time to take a break from the flight, and even see something new.
The airport deserves my praise for being the first airport in my travels with hot and cold water in constant and free access. In Bahrain, cold water was also available, but here, with cups and hot water, you can make coffee, tea, and even instant noodles bought at the store, which everyone uses, and it saves you a lot of money, because I remind you that everything at the airport always costs fabulous money, but this is not about Chengdu. Beer 150 rubles, latte 250, stir-fry vegetables are delicious to the point of insanity too 250. Cheap souvenirs - pandas, pandas, pandas
It was hard to transfer at the airport for eight hours, but everything was as comfortable as possible here. I would expand the choice of cafes and shops, but it's just a wish.