Котлета из куриного филе и котлета из говяжины обжаренные на гриле, завернутые в фирменную лепёшку со свежим салатом под соусами
2100 ₸500 g
Дурум кебаб из курицы
Котлета из куриного филе обжаренная на гриле, завернутая в фирменную лепёшку со свежим салатом под соусами
1600 ₸300 g
Картофель фри
Картофель, обжаренный до золотистой корочки, хрустящий снаружи и мягкий внутри. Является популярным гарниром или закуской, которая отлично сочетается с различными соусами
I recently visited this place and was absolutely delighted. The atmosphere is very cozy. The low prices and fast service left an indelible impression. I ordered spicy and crispy wings, as well as delicate strips. The taste was great, the quality of the products was excellent. The cashiers, Arudan and Yerkinaz, were very polite. There are also constant promotions and discounts at very competitive prices. If you want to have a delicious meal, Chicken Love is the perfect choice. I advise everyone to try it.
I visited this place the other day and was extremely pleased! Delicious food, friendly staff, affordable prices, tidy tables, clean floors and a beautiful interior. I was extremely satisfied with the kitchen. Juicy place, crispy crusts, fresh vegetables and delicious potatoes. I also want to note a large assortment of both individual dishes and profitable combos. After ordering, I didn't have to wait long, it was cooked in just 7 minutes! I was very pleased. I will definitely come back here again.
I went here recently and was very pleased.Top-level service:the staff is friendly, orders are accepted quickly.
I ordered burgers with spicy wings.The burgers are incredibly delicious, juicy, and the wings are crisp and fresh.The menu is varied, with a large selection of profitable combos and mixes.
I recommend it to everyone for a quick
and delicious snack!