Бургер с насыщенным вкусом говядины в соусе пульгоги, с добавлением сыра, огурцов, салата и спайси соуса
2100 ₸
Набор панчхан
Микс из корейских закусок: кимчи, белого маринованного дайкона и битых огурцов
1200 ₸
Картофель Фри
Хрустящий картофель в соусе на выбор
990 ₸
Битые огурцы
В остром маринаде
500 ₸
Острая квашеная капуста
500 ₸
Желтый дайкон
В кисло-сладком маринаде
500 ₸
Лист салата
400 ₸
Паровая булочка
200 ₸
Том ям с курицей
Острый суп с курицей, помидорами черри и грибами. Подаётся с рисом
2700 ₸
Чиз Рамен
Насыщенный сырный бульон с классической лапшой для рамёна и кусочками сочной курицы.Подается с тягучим сыром чеддер, яйцом, зеленым луком, водорослями нори и кунжутом.
A very cool place! I really liked it there! You can try different dishes that you definitely haven't tried before! A very beautiful atmosphere, it is very pleasant to be indoors! The prices are not bad in principle! Everything is very tasty! You definitely won't regret coming here! Now I come here every weekend! The staff and service are very pleasant! Thank you very much for the delicious food! It is also a very good place for all sorts of gatherings, birthday parties, etc. I went here with all my friends, everyone really liked it! I liked Ramen the most! I don't know much about Japanese food, but it's insanely delicious! Drinks are also a bomb!
We drove with my mother from Kaskelen, and it was worth it. The staff and service are pleasant.The food is for an amateur, but still very tasty, the prices are adequate, there are many interesting Korean dishes.That same trembling cat tasted even better than imagined.The cafe itself is very atmospheric, beautiful interior and design.
A very atmospheric place. The very thing for Korean culture. The food is very tasty and at reasonable prices. A lot of Korean products and food. The service is at the highest level. For those who will go to this place for the first time, you can look at the menu on their Instagram or take it from the checkout and choose at the table. Next, take the menu with you, put it in place and place an order. There are many posters with various Doramas and life-size Idols made of cardboard. In general, it's a very cool place. The restroom is very clean and nice to be there. The illumination gives a certain charm and comfort to this cafe. Come and enjoy the views from the windows and delicious food. Special thanks to the cashier, she's just a cutie.