The folk, folkloric Chinese-Korean Yangbian Garden. Try not to visit it during the wave of the Chinese invasion! Otherwise, you will get tired of bypassing everyone.
There is a large parking lot at the north entrance.
They tried to cram everything into the park, even the unimaginable: recreation and healthcare, recreation and entertainment, ethnic customs, cultural experience, traditional education, sightseeing and trade. A comprehensive tourism destination from the Chinese point of view. The garden has national streets with commercial elements based on the culture and lifestyle of the Yangbya Koreans. There are many extras in national clothes, acting out scenes of the national life of Koreans. There are free tastings of traditional Korean dishes. It is important that you are not trampled at this time). The park itself is not big and it will not take much time to visit it. It is located in good transport accessibility for both taxis and buses. There is a pass-through parking for private transport. You can try to find your runaway Korean princess there)).