The Church of St. George in the city of Lydda (Lod) is a particularly significant place of veneration for St. George! Here, on this earth, He bequeathed to the most devoted servant, who kept a record of all the trials of the Saint, staying with Him to the end, to bury himself after the execution, which was fulfilled. This church was built over the location of the incorruptible body - the relics of the Great Martyr. It is noteworthy that the city of Lydda (Lod) itself was called Georgopolis for some time.
There are fetters in the church, the bonds of St. George, they cast out demons, heal diseases.
The Holy Great Martyr George was chosen from God and, accordingly, endowed by Him with all kinds of benefits, which now extend to us. For his voluntary sacrifice and steadfastness in faith, Jesus Christ personally crowned George with the crown of true reign, saying that now you will reign with Me! Especially close to the Roman Emperor became especially close to the Eternal Ruler - God!
I recommend visiting this Holy place for every Christian, to worship the Greatest Saint before God and people, the Great Martyr, Warrior, Victor, Defender George!
Thank you, Saint George, for your great, wonderful, saving intercession for us at the Throne of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords! We know and believe out of love for you, He will not leave the human race with His mercies! Glory to the great Saint George for centuries!
St. George was a Roman soldier, he suffered under the Emperor Diocletian at the beginning of the IV century.
Christians transferred his relics to his homeland, to Lydda (Lod), and here he was buried.
The tomb, which contained the relics of the Great Martyr, is now located in the crypt of the Orthodox Church of St. vmch. George.
In the temple itself there is a particle of the relics of St. George, as well as the chain that bound him.The Temple of the Church. St. George the Victorious in Lydda is under the jurisdiction of the Jerusalem Orthodox Church (Greek Patriarchate).
In 1871 Patriarch Kirill II of Jerusalem appealed to the Russian knights of the Order of St. George with a request for donations for the restoration of St. George's Church. With funds allocated by the government of the Russian Empire, a new church was built, consecrated on November 3, 1872.
A particle of the relics of St. George the Victorious is located in a silver ark in the central aisle to the left of the royal gate, and is taken out to the faithful for worship.In one of the columns to the right of the central chapel there are the "holy bonds" revered by believers — iron shackles with a chain, in which, according to legend, the saint was chained in prison.
There is an unusual tradition in the Church of St. George the Victorious. Orthodox pilgrims, after praying, voluntarily put on shackles. It is said that it cures any ailment.
As I wrote, the main thing is FAITH...who can work miracles...