There is no client approach. Poor service. Few people come here.
For understanding: the cinema opened the purchase of tickets for a month, and as a result, the occupancy of the hall was 18% for the evening session on Friday on the second day of the premiere of a high-profile film.
Specifically, what touched me. I bought a ticket online from this cinema, but to another shopping center (by mistake. The session time was the same). I came, I say. Anyway, it's a pity to lose the ticket, please let me in, especially 1) your hall is empty 2) the ticket price in my hands is higher than this session. As a result, they were sent to hell, forced to pay again. :(
We were very disappointed. I went to the cinema for 7,000 😀
Вчера с девушкой сходили на фильм 12+. В итоге в зале, сзади наших мест, сидели несколько мамаш с детьми лет 5-8. Которые пинали сзади кресла, шумели и тд. Мы с девушкой пересели на другие места. В итоге эти дети потом устроили горки на наших местах, прыгали в грязной обуви на сиденья. Итог: возрастное ограничение не соблюдается, за тишиной и порядком в зале никто не следит.