Мошенники. При ценнике в 31 лари взяли 49. Пытались ещё пробить лишнее. Вещи отличные, а сотрудниками очень разочарована
Crooks. They took 31 for 49. They tried very hard to break through. The items are great, but the staff is very disappointed
Scammers. They took 49 with 31 gel. They tried hard to break through. The stuff is great but the staff is very disappointing
A large assortment of clothes, it seems)) but everything is the same, we didn't find what we were looking for. But we bought a beautiful magnificent princess dress at an excellent price. There are often discounts 👍
A large children's clothing store. There are also some toys, diapers, wet wipes, and even a stroller in the window. But the real choice can only be made from things. Average quality that matches the price.