100 gЦена за заправку 100 гр фреона на автоматической станции
8 Br
Цикл работы автоматической станции
1.Откачка фреона
2.Очистка фреона через фильтр станции
3.Отделение старого масла от фреона
4.Вакуумирование системы перед заправкой
5.Добавление нового масла
6.Заправка фреона
15 Br
Диагностика кондиционера
Диагностика работы кондиционера на автоматической станции - бесплатно.
This is not the first time I have applied, the quality of services is excellent: I repaired the climate control unit and refueled the air conditioning system. The master is in a good location, he always explains everything in an accessible way, regardless of workload.
I came here for a diagnosis. In the last place, they filled 1 kg of freon in the merc and said that they should change the compressor, because the air conditioner was not working well. The next day I came here, the master said that there was not enough freon, it turned out that only 150g was refueled yesterday, the station refused. After refueling the kilogram at the station, the air conditioner began to work as expected.
I came initially for diagnosis, as the air conditioner was not working. The problem was found quickly. A hose was ordered and replaced. The system was refueled, and lo and behold, everything works. I definitely recommend it.