Телячьи хвосты, морковь, болгарский перец, сельдерей, халапеньо, кинза и петрушка
3250 ₸300 g
Фирменный суп Чобан
Суп, в составе которого чечевица, рис и булгур, обжаренный лук в томатной пасте, соус из острого перца и особой пикантности добавляют такие специи как: тимьян, тмин, красный молотый перец и мята
1550 ₸250 g
Картофель фри
Картофель, нарезанный соломкой, обжаренный в большом количестве подсолнечного масла
1250 ₸150 g
Бейти сарма-кебаб
6950 ₸230 g
Традиционный турецкий десерт из слоеного теста с фисташкой
Service: 5
Menu choice: 3
Quality of the food: 3.5
Complimentary appetizer choice: 0 (not in offer at all)
Interior: 3
Location: 4
Open terrace: 0 (not available)
Parking: 2.5
Wallet parking: 0 (not available)
Music: 0 (poor)
Life music: 0 (not available)
The most strange first missing part of the Hospitality Service any restaurant has to offer is wet, hot napkins to clean hands! Welcome drink and sweets!
Basically, the restaurant has no idea what its theme is. It seems some business person opened up this place not as a brand but just to earn profit by hiring OK Chief, as there is no theme in the interior, in the menu, or in the gesture Service as well!
Recommendation for restaurants: travel to other countries, visit branded restaurants, and watch and study behind the scenes. Note every detail of what restorator means.
Excellent cuisine. Nice interior . They cook very well, the chef communicates with the guests. We are thrilled. Plus an amazing wine!! Thank you very much
The place is top, everything is done at a high level. The meat is delicious, be sure to try the steaks. The wine list is also decent. Prices for Atyrau are above average, but not super high. Compared to Moscow, the prices are gift prices. For example, a rib eye steak cost 13,600 tenge (about 2,600 rubles) in November 2023, which is very inexpensive for such a steak.